Establishment of The Institute of System Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS)

15 Feb 2023

The Institute of System Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS), a new research institute dedicated to advancing knowledge and innovation in Chinese Medicine, has officially opened its doors. The institute aims to foster a collaborative research environment that brings together experts from academia, industry, and government to address some of the most pressing challenges facing in Chinese Medicine Modernization.

SMHS will focus on conducting cutting-edge research, developing new technologies and solutions, and training the next generation of researchers and innovators. The institute's research agenda will be guided by a multidisciplinary approach, drawing on expertise from fields such as Chinese Medicine, Computer Science, Chemistry, Physics, etc. 

"To improve health and wellness by integrating the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine with the cutting-edge technologies of Systems Biology." said by the Director, Prof. Aiping LYU.

The institute will recruit researchers ranking from Research Assistant Professor to Professor. We also offer training and mentorship programs for graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and early-career scientists, with a focus on developing advanced research skills. 

To celebrate its opening, SMHS is hosting a virtual recruitment talk conducted by our leading experts in System Health and Drug Discovery. The talk is open to the public and will provide an opportunity for researchers, post-doctoral fellows, and graduate students to engage in advanced research projects in our institute and connect with our field experts. 

Overall, the establishment of SMHS marks an important milestone in the field of Chinese Medicine Modernization, providing a platform for researchers and innovators to collaborate, discover, and create new solutions to some of the most pressing challenges facing our society.